Why Planned Maintenance Systems Are More than Just Software


Planned maintenance systems (PMS) are central to the operation of a superyacht in today’s marine landscape.

The functionality they provide, the information they generate and the value they add during resale are contributing factors in determining the value of these systems. By nature, planned maintenance systems are cloud-based software systems that are accessible from engine room PCs to bridge tablets and personal smartphones.  

PMS software is the framework for a vessel to apply an effective maintenance plan to ensure the safe operation of a vessel and improve reliability.

Selecting the right framework for successful long-term use is the first step. Working with those who understand the operational processes of how vessels run and how maintenance is performed is equally essential. Integrating yacht management support focusing on how maintenance can be grouped and how yard periods are best utilised will improve efficiency. This allows you to approach the setup of a PMS from the best possible standpoint.  

With 30 years of yacht management experience, SALT offers extensive PMS landscape knowledge.

We operate on the simple premise that owning a commercial or private vessel is an investment to protect. By providing customised vessel management services we save you costs and improve vessel reliability and safety.  Partnering with Seahub and implementing its dynamic and award-winning software, we manage the on-site and remote data migration. Delivering a full 360° operational, technical, maintenance-focused management service.

Providing a structured management support system to navigate compliance and prioritise yacht safety.

Amid the complex world of maritime rules and regulations, SALT maintains a vessel’s existing requirements. New regulations are streamlined and implemented when they come into force. We recognise the need for user-friendly software that is quick to understand and is fully ISM compliant. With multi-department oversight that includes shoreside support, the owning company is insulated from the issues and minutia of the day-to-day operation.

SALT firmly believes that a vessel with tailored yacht management support and a fully operational PMS will rely less on shipyards. It will also provide better credibility with surveyors during class surveys. Installing a PMS at the build stage will ensure a vessel is maintained in line with the warranty and manufacturer’s requirements. With more control over warranty issues, there are fewer surprise costs for both shipyards and owners.

The team at Seahub have evolved the system since its launch in 2016 to adapt to the changing needs of its global users. Part of that process has involved working with SALT. Together, we have mapped out how the system can best support vessels by providing the software framework to manage an efficient maintenance plan.  

This process has examined how maintenance plans can incorporate OEM-recommended tasks and how best they are slotted in during heavy and light use. This causes the least disturbance to the operation of the vessel. An all-encompassing approach to the vessels’ needs will deliver effective maintenance management and smoothly run programs. Efficiency in maintenance means lower operational costs, less downtime, better safety systems and improved reliability. 

Meet Greg Voice, Founder of SALT, at the Cannes Yacht Show from 12-17 September

Log on again on 10 October for Part 2 – how maintenance grouping enhances PMS setup and delivers optimal efficiency and performance.

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